Occasionally we have the opportunity to interview contributors from websites that share our goals of educating people with cancer about the benefits of holistic lifestyles and wellness. I recently had the opportunity to interview Libby Lowe, Social Media Manager of Yogabear.org.
Yoga Bear is a national 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to promoting more opportunities for wellness and healing to the cancer community through the practice of yoga. They have all kinds of resources on the site for patients, yoga teachers and health care providers that are dealing with cancer such as videos as yoga for pain relief.
Jasmine: Tell us about your background?
Libby: I got involved with Yoga Bear in 2010. I had recently lost my mother-in-law to ovarian cancer and I was looking for a way to give back. I’ve been doing yoga for about eight years and volunteering with Yoga Bear seemed like a great way to honor her memory in a very personal way. Professionally, I have been writing and editing for more than 10 years. I work on a mix of projects including editorial, corporate communications and social media management. I live in Chicago.
Jasmine: What do you think your mission in life is?

Yoga on the Steps: Living Beyond Breast Cancer
Libby: When I think about what I truly love doing, it makes tons of sense that I work on building community within Yoga Bear. I love making connections and helping people.
Jasmine: How has your spiritual practice transformed you?
Libby: Yoga taught me patience. Because of yoga, I understand that being good at something isn’t the goal, being present is. I’m not 100% there, but before yoga I wouldn’t have even recognized those moments of disconnect.
Jasmine: What daily spiritual practices do you do every day?
Libby: I don’t have a formal spiritual practice. In some ways I see emailing friends and connecting our community members as a spiritual practice—and it’s one I find great joy in.
Jasmine: What is the most surprising thing about you?
Libby: I absolutely love feel good sports movies. Remember the Titans, We Are Marshall—if I’m desperate, even Wildcats.
Jasmine: What do you think the government can do to aid in health and wellness?
Libby: This is a huge question, but the short answer is: Make sure that everyone has access to preventive care, insurance, and understandable information about the system—as well information about how to take care of themselves. I also feel very strongly that Planned Parenthood is an essential resource for women. More than 1.5 women received cancer screenings at a Planned Parenthood in 2010, and I believe the government needs to support women by supporting the organization.
Jasmine: What have been some of the most transformation events or milestones that led you to be the person you are?
Libby: In terms of the work I am doing now, my mother-in-law was very inspirational. The determination with which she took on cancer–and won for more than seven years–is truly inspiring. She advocated for herself, educated herself and fought like hell. And while she was living with cancer, she truly lived. I didn’t meet her until after she was diagnosed, and I wasn’t sure how much time we would have together. I’m extremely lucky to have had the time with her that I had–knowing her made me a better person.

Jasmine: Any exciting projects you want to share?
Libby: Keep an eye on Yoga Bear! We have an awesome library of free yoga videos–and we’re always looking for more. I’d like to invite all of the teachers out there to submit.
We hope you enjoyed this interview with Libby Lowe, Social Media Manager of Yogabear.org.
Namaste, Jasmine