Relationship Questions For Couples
What romantic couples questions before marriage did you ask your significant other?
What do you think would have happened with Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries if they had asked each other more in depth questions about the kind of lifestyle they wanted to have together? They didn’t even talk about such basic things such as where they were going to live and what was going to happen to Kim’s career once they started to have children. Do you think it would have ended after those fateful 72 days if they had just not been blinded by the $18 million wedding extravaganza and concentrated more on their future marriage instead of just their wedding?
Kim K has taken a lot of heat for having such a casual marriage but she is really a mirror or what many of us find at fault in our own relationships. Most of us won’t think of the hard questions that have to do with things such as money, career, raising children, in-laws, religion, where to live, how to vacation, food and diet, what inspires us and what scares us before marriage.
So what romantic couples questions did you ask your significant other when you were first getting to know each other? Besides all the obvious small talk questions were you able to dive in and ask other questions?
Relationship Questions For Couples
How To Use the Questions for Couples
You need to use a certain amount of wisdom with these 1,000 questions. Someone who has just begun dating shouldn’t accelerate the relationship by starting off with questions on marriage and sex. If you don’t think you and your partner are quite ready to commit to one another, it would be best to start off with the questions on personality, your past experiences, favorites and perhaps pets. The best relationships are built on a solid friendship, so first address the questions that will help build that base.
Some people will want to answer four or five questions in a sitting. Others might like to spend several hours and answer 50 or more. Some people will want to put the questions in letters and mail them to each other on the same day so their answers don’t influence each other’s. Those with computers might find email to be a good way to get to know each other (and even keep the emails for future reference).
Here are samples of questions to ask before marriage.
What sort of reaction do you have when you get very upset?
Is there anything that makes you feel homesick, nostalgic or sentimental?
Do you have an idol? Do you try to model yourself after him or her in some way?
Do you think that you are able to calmly and wisely react in emergencies?
Do you take your pets with you on short trips? Long vacations? Do you put them in a kennel or have a friend watch them?
Do you generally make to-do lists? Would you like it or would you be offended if your mate helped you make a to-do list?
How do you think I could enjoy life more?
What do you like most about my personality?
How do you feel about pets being in the bedroom or sleeping on your bed?
What is your favorite ethnic cuisine?
Do you remember what your favorite childhood books were?
What makes you feel important?
How would you rate your maturity level among your peers?What are some examples of emergencies you have had?
Do you like your first name? Have you ever wished you had a different name? What name would it be?
Do you ever think that your partner gives more time, love and affection to a child or pet and does it makes you jealous?
Which do you think should have the final say in decisions – logic or emotions? Why?
In what circumstances do you feel most at peace?
How do you think I handle myself when I’m in a crisis situation?Do you have a dream that repeats itself again and again? What is it?
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Jasmine Kaloudis teaches many marriage retreats near Philadelphia as well as romantic poses for couples and is the author of the best spiritual websites list.