Partner Yoga Poses

Partner Yoga Poses

If you are just starting your yoga journey, it is helpful to know the benefits and risks with certain classes of poses..usually divided into four categories.

If you are pregnant, working through any serious injuries then it is best to consult a rehabilitation doctor or OB/GYN before practicing to know what are some limitations that you should honor.  For beginners, let go of striving and competition.

Partner Yoga Poses

Forward Bends, Side Bends, Inversions (Going Upside Down) Side Bends, Balancing Poses and Twists Yoga Poses for Partner


Forward Bends

Forward bends with the hands clasped behind the head in order to give the shoulders a deeper opening.

Directions: Stand both feet firmly on the ground.  Bend both arms forward and then clasp behind and up in the air.

Benefits: Forward bends are calming, they also provide a nice stretch for the hamstrings as well as a nice opening for the shoulders.

Caution/Dangers: Those with high blood pressure conditions that are not taking medication should not do forward bends.  3rd Trimester pregnant women will probably not be able to bend down very far.  Those with shoulder injuries should not try to hyperextend the shoulders.  All should keep shoulders soft in pose and let shoulders blades slide down the back to give more of an opening.

People often feel calmed when forward bending and also slightly disoriented as they start to come up in the pose.  It is helpful to come out of the pose very slowly, one vertebrate at a time, letting the head come up last.


Forward Bend Variation.

Directions: Stand both feet firmly on the ground.  Bend both arms forward.  Keep knees soft.

Benefits: Forward bends are calming to the central nervous system, they also provide a nice stretch for the hamstrings.

Caution/Dangers: Those with high blood pressure conditions that are not taking medication should not do forward bends.  3rd Trimester pregnant women will probably not be able to bend down very far.  You can also use a wall to forward bend on or a solid chair.

Students often  feel calmed when forward bending and sometimes slightly disoriented as they start to come up in the pose.  It is helpful to come out of the pose very slowly, one vertebrate at a time, letting the head float up last.

What about you?  What spiritual practices help you stay grounded?