by Jasmine | Dec 1, 2021 | Alternative Health, Partner Yoga, Yoga For Weight Loss, Yoga Health

Dump Your Excuses to Exercise
The benefits of exercise are many—equaled in number only by our excuses for avoiding it.
Just one in four U.S. adults works out at low to moderate intensity for 30 minutes most days of the week or at vigorous intensity for 20 minutes three days a week.
Some of those excuses—I weigh too much, I’m too old, I have too many health problems—are in themselves strong arguments for increasing physical activity. It’s harder to see through other reasons that show up in surveys asking why people don’t exercise.
Jasmine Kaloudis, a yoga and fitness instructor in Philadelphia, suggest these ways to work around the most common excuses and mostly around yoga to lose weight.
“I don’t like exercise”
Kaloudis suggests you think back to your childhood. “When we were kids, we ran and jumped and played all the time, and then we grew up and it became ‘exercise,'” she says.
Here’s what to do:
Add movement to something you like to do. If you play golf, walk the course. If you like music, listen to your favorite tunes as you walk. Take a stroll with family or friends.
Do you have a dog? Most dog love to run around and chase. Find a nearby dogpark if you don’t have a closed in yard. The kids will find great delight in this also.
Exercise with a friend. Instead of meeting at Starbucks for a fattening double mocha latte, suggest talking a walk around the lake. If you have children, play soccer or some outside games. If it’s cold, you can turn on the music inside and dance. Besides getting fit, you are creating memories. Schedule these kinds of activities on a weekly basis.
“It’s too expensive to join a gym or hire a personal trainer or buy fitness DVDs.”
The internet is your answer. There is an unbelievable amount of free exercise routines in all kinds of subjects such as yoga, martial arts, boxing, tennis. etc.
Often many gyms or fitness clubs will have special intro rates. If you are having financial challenges then let the club or trainer know what you can budget toward fitness and see if they can accomodate you.
If you also have a skill such as massage therapy or carpentery, see if you can trade or barter services. This can work well with independent practitioners but not with a big corporate gym chain.
“I don’t have the time”
This is the granddaddy of exercise excuses. With the demands of work, family, and other obligations, it seems plausible. Except when you consider that lack of exercise—and the poor health that follows—can affect the quality of every waking moment. Here’s how to overcome the excuse:
Make exercise a priority. If you think of exercise as being as important as brushing your teeth or any other “essential” routine, you’ll find time.
Avoid the “all or nothing” trap. If you can’t find 30 straight minutes to work out, try for three 10-minute blocks—or even one 10-minute block. A little exercise is better than none.
Be flexible.
Incorporate movement whenever you can. Walk instead of driving. Climb stairs instead of riding the elevator. Do calisthenics, stretch, or ride an exercise bike while you watch television.
This is a more drastic option, but consider getting rid or the TV or getting rid of some cable stations. How important is it to your life that you caught the last episode of Grey’s Anatomy? When you don’t have those extra stations, you won’t miss them. You will have more time and less excuses for being active and healthy. You’ll also save money on your cable bill.
Are you committed to changing your life or are you committed to your excuses?
by Jasmine | Jan 29, 2020 | Amrita, Couples Retreat, Couples Yoga, Date Night, Partner Yoga, philadelphia romance, Valentines Day
If you are just thinking expensive dinner and a movie this year, then you will be doing what most couples do and it will be over-priced, over-crowded and rushed…. not exactly a romantic recipe.
Go on a photoshoot – So many scenic spots to choose from such as the Art Museum, Love Park or Society Hill. Try on different moods that range from silly, brooding, sexy to serious. Take the best shot and frame it for your sweetie.
If you are going to celebrate with the kids then decorate the house in red and pink, break out the arts and crafts and make Valentines cards for each other while listening to sappy romantic songs.
If you want a kid-free night, then drop the kids off at grandma’s house, turn off the phones then decorate the house in red and pink along with candles, soft music, and herbal tea or red wine. Start off with a long bubble bath together then get some almond massage oil. We usually do something like this every year and we make a special dinner at home with lobsters we bought at the market.
Have a electronic free night. No phones, computers and no tv. Just doing this will be treat enough for your loved ones. Conversations won’t be constantly interrupted by dings, pings and rings. Just giving someone the complete gift of your presence and attention is quite special.
Can’t get away anywhere, even local for a special night out? Decorate the house with lawn chairs, beach towels, have reggae music on and serve pina coladas and make plans (again, device-free) on your next special trip. Get magazine and books of the places you want to go and talk about what you will do and where you will go together.
Still have the need to get out and about? Make a scavenger hunt. It can be some of the special places you had dates together – your first date, your first kiss, your first %#$#$. It can be g-rated with the kids or x-rated without them.
Need to have a racy Valentine’s day? For women, go out somewhere elegant such as a Tea House, nice restaura or fancy bar and wear a short skirt or dress. Shortly after sitting down at the table, let your man know you are not wearing panties.
We are quite partial to what we think makes for an ideal night for this Valentine’s Day in Philadelphia for 2020. We teach gentle and romantic couples yoga classes. The classes are buoyant and bonding, weird and wonderful, restorative and relaxing, We get to meet so many new fun couples this way, some of who we end up becoming great friends with beyond the class and we get to be a part of some very magical moments with people.
by Jasmine | Jan 1, 2020 | Anniversary Gift Ideas, Couples Yoga, Date Night, Partner Yoga, Thai Massage
Yoga for couples is a fun adventure into intimacy, play and relaxation. The poses are simply a doorway for you both to step deeper into your connection. When you stretch with you partner, your bodies melt each other’s tension and tightness. Whether your relationship is new or old, partner yoga will reinvigorate your life and renew your connection.

Partner Yoga is a great way to learn surrender, build trust, and deepen intimacy. Partner Yoga can be practiced by anyone – no previous yoga experience is necessary.
Some poses challenge your balance, strength and flexibility, others require your total trust and surrender.
Each exercise and breathing technique uses the power of the partner dynamic to achieve more than one person could alone. From creative exercise to profound spiritual work, Partner Yoga delivers a diverse range of benefits to a wide array of people. This well rounded practice requires no special equipment and can be done in any open space (the living room, gym, or park). The classes are not official tantra workshops although people that have done a tantra workshop before will appreciate the yoga and meditation.
Couples Yoga is a medium created to build stronger communication and intimacy between human beings in a relationship. These Yoga Postures which you can learn on couples yoga DVDs and couples yoga videos videos, have breathing exercises and meditations are designed specifically to bring communication into a tangible form. We are here to help you to discover and experience the dynamics existing within your relationship.
Couples Yoga compels companions to lay aside their differences while working to achieve a common goal. The simple act of breathing together and participating in a practice grounded in acceptance, unity and love translates to more open and authentic communication between partners.
This practice re-establishes weakened bonds. On the mat partners must have complete faith in each other. Postures are dependent on showing up for one another and giving equal effort. It is developed on trust and is a great metaphor for the nut and bolt aspect of all relationships.
There’s no finished, perfect pose or situation. This is about learning new methods to connect, and cooperate, while finding new ways to support each other.
In these sessions you will learn a combination of the following practices:
- Yoga postures
- Breathing exercises
- Partner Meditations
- Massage techniques
- Affirming your partner and Being Affirmed
- The Power of Intention
by Jasmine | Apr 6, 2018 | Guest Blog, Partner Yoga

Looking for Meditation,Yoga, Spas, in Philadelphia?
Learn meditation techniques to heal the spirit and achieve Shanti. Self-defeating core beliefs manifest themselves in a variety of ways from perpetual complaining, constant depression, feelings of worthlessness or discontent, self-serving behaviors, addictions, and more daily actions or harmful habits which make it difficult to connect with the world around us. A lot of people go to spas for meditation, yoga and to heal their spirit. Why do you go to a spa? Massage? Meditation? Yoga? Relaxation?
Meditation is the most holistic method of achieving Shanti (Sanskrit: Inner peace through divine understanding), which – incidentally – is the most effective spiritual tool for living life on life’s terms. The human brain is complex, and we begin to establish core beliefs at a very early age; and all too often, deeply engrained self defeating perceptions are being formed.
These core beliefs affect us all throughout the rest of our lives until we take steps through therapy, meditation techniques, yoga, or all of the above to better understand and decrease the amount of poison we carry in our own souls.
Meditation Techniques
OM is one of the most commonly associated resonance syllables associated with various meditation techniques. The word, itself, means nothing. The sound is used repetitiously to induce a meditative state. By focusing on inhaling and exhaling with a slow, monotone, “OM;” you are providing your own ‘hypnotic sound wave’ to help your mind listen to divine knowledge acquired through meditation to achieve Shanti.
How to Meditate
Effective meditation requires comfort and silence, unless the background noise is that of soothing music, sounds of nature, or the voice of a meditation guide. Another accessory you may wish to have accessible is a candle in case you find it difficult to focus your attention on the very present.
Find a comfortable place to sit on the floor, using either a carpeted room or some type of cushion which allows you to be seated and balanced without effort. Cross your legs in front of you where your knees are in a position which is conducive to comfortably resting your wrists on them with your palms facing upward. If you are unable to sit comfortably with your legs crossed, you may try lying down on a comfortable surface with your arms extended to your sides and your palms facing upward.
Why palms facing upward? The palms are believed to be a superhighway through which Universal Life Force Energy may flow. Positioning your palms open and upward opens you up to receive the maximum spiritual benefit of meditation.
To begin meditating, either close your eyes or focus on the candle in front of you and begin breathing long, slow, controlled breaths. If you are relying on OM to help you find your meditative state, inhale a deep breath with a count of at least 6-8 seconds, and release slowly in a monotone, resonating voice, “Ooommmmmm.” It’s important you hold on the the ‘mmm.’ Your teeth should not be touching, your lips should be barely together, and you should feel a slight tingle or vibration on your lips. Repeat this sequence until your mind is clear of all obstructions and your soul is open to listen to the Divine Voice.
If you find it difficult to focus, try staring at the candle in front of you while you inhale, hold your breath, and exhale, all for an equal amount of time. Stare at the flame until you’re able to close your eyes and capture it in the center of your mental vision. If it disappears before you’ve achieved your desired place of inner peace, open your eyes and find the candle again; and remember to stay focused on your breathing.
Guest Blog by Michael Westbrook
Resource: Hello, I’m Michael Westbrook – recovering smoker. Meditation was a vital step in my recovery from nicotine addiction, as it helped to heal my spirit and reward me with a more positive outlook on life and the world around me.
by Jasmine | Mar 5, 2018 | Couples Retreat, Couples Yoga, Date Night, Partner Yoga

Couples Yoga Moves for Beginners or Seasoned Yogis
Tantra Yoga for couples is a fun adventure into intimacy, play and relaxation. The poses are simply a doorway for you both to step deeper into your connection. When you stretch with you partner, your bodies melt each other’s tension and tightness. Whether your relationship is new or old, partner yoga will reinvigorate your life and renew your connection.
Tantra Partner Yoga is a great way to learn surrender, build trust, and deepen intimacy. Partner Yoga can be practiced by anyone – no previous yoga experience is necessary. Some poses challenge your balance, strength and flexibility, others require your total trust and surrender. Each exercise and breathing technique uses the power of the partner dynamic to achieve more than one person could alone. From creative exercise to profound spiritual work, Partner Yoga delivers a diverse range of benefits to a wide array of people. This well rounded practice requires no special equipment and can be done in any open space (the living room, gym, or park).
For couples who want to explore safe, playful ways of being tender and loving together. You will take turns placing each other in restorative poses and then massaging your partner’s hands, feet, neck and face while they simply get to relax and melt. In poses and exercises, partners rely on each other’s support to keep correct body alignment, balance, and concentration. In a deeper sense, this physical support fosters deeper feelings of nurture and acceptance. Couples are reminded to respect their own and their partner’s limitations of stretching and physical fitness and not push beyond them to the point of discomfort.
When you feel safe and supported you develop the courage to trust others and the strength to confront your fears and embrace your true self. No previous yoga experience is necessary. Beginners and the inflexible are especially welcome. Partner Yoga uses various movements and poses to focus the mind and increase strength, stamina and flexibility which are done in the spirit of nurturing and play. Since yoga is usually such an internally-focused practice, being focused on your significant other is a way to enrich not only your own spirit but your loved one’s as well.
4 ways to get the right start in partners yoga

1. Don’t assume partner yoga is only for couples.
Some partner yoga classes allow you to sign up as a solo participant and seek out a partner in the class itself. If you go this route and you’re new to partners yoga, try to pair with a student who’s about your height and weight. Mahoney notes that as you get used to the practice, learning to adapt the postures to two different body types is a rewarding challenge.
2. Don’t expect miracles.
If you begin a couples yoga class with an existing partner, talk with each other before going to the first class about what you want from this. Try not to let your expectations get overblown in terms of how the class can remedy any specific relationship challenges you’re having. Go in with an open mind and heart — not with a sense that this is going to fix something, but a willingness to learn and grow together by sharing and connecting through yoga.
3. Be ready to be giving.
As a supportive partner, your role is to listen as well as share openly, and to treat the person you’re practicing with as you’d like to be treated. Sound familiar? By exploring physical give-and-take, you and your partner can dive deeply into the principles that govern successful, supportive friendships and loving relationships.
4. Enjoy the moment.
Be present and focus on each other during your partner yoga class or practice — and try not to take anything too seriously, cautions Mahoney. “Take a deep breath and relax. Laugh together. Partner yoga is full of the hilarious and the divine.”z
by Jasmine | Dec 5, 2016 | Couples Yoga, Date Night, New Age, Partner Yoga, Romantic Date Ideas, Spirituality, Yoga Retreat

Teaching Yoga for Couples at a Spiritual Retreat near Philadelphia and Tantra in Pennsylvania
What Happens in Yoga Couples Classes
A lot of people ask how we decided to teach couples yoga. Actually it was because of my sweetie… my best friend, partner and hottie hellenic hubby.
I have been practicing yoga for over 15 years. When we first started to live together I used to practice to yoga DVDs in the living room. Occasionally he would practice with me but then he said once, ” I really want to do the poses where we are touching each other and helping each other get in the poses.”
So I started to research more couples and partner yoga poses. Most of the partner poses that were out there were fairly acrobatic, very challenging and demanding physically and there didn’t seem to be many poses that were geared towards people that were nonathletic and that didn’t want a Cirque Du Soleil audition.
I wanted to find a mix of poses that were silly, giggly, challenging, strengthening, bonding and once in a while a little scary (adrenaline can add really add some spice and passion to a relationship that is in a long rut) and where you could get that sense that you were beyond gravity in some of the poses. I bought tapes, DVDs, book, went to other partner yoga trainings and classes. I practiced the poses with other yoga teachers.
Almost every Friday night we teach couples yoga in Philadelphia.. in Manayunk, a hip, happening part of town and we teach them quarterly at Temenos in West Chester as a couples spiritual retreat as well.
Although it is work for us to promote the classes, set up, clean up, prepare and organize the classes, we mostly do it because the two of us get so much out of it. It has sort of become our date night although we are sharing it with other couples, most of which we have met for the first time.
At the beginning of class there is usually a mix of giddiness, anxiety, nervousness and excitement. I work with a lot of yoga newbies and people that do not have a regular exercise practice.
I never know what poses I am going to teach since I have to gage the ability of the group before I teach a pose. I’m not going to teach a bunch of crazy balancing poses to someone that just had hip replacement. I don’t want to teach a lot of weight-bearing poses, where one partner has to put all their weight on the other’s body if there is a big weight difference or especially if the woman is a lot heavier than the man.
If the couples are pretty athletic then I want to make sure the moves are fresh and challenging enough to keep it spicy so I’ll avoid the easier poses. If the group is really wound up and edgy, I’ll teach a fair amount of yin or restorative poses so they start to become more tranquil.

Teaching Couples Yoga
I also like to position students in class so that two dudes are not looking right at each other, I think men don’t want to appear vulnerable in front of other men so if they are not looking right at each other then it makes for less performance anxiety for the couples at a spiritual workshops or spiritual retreat.