by Jasmine | Apr 22, 2016 | Beginner Yoga, Yoga Health

Five Solid Benefits You Can Experience from Yoga
You hear so much about the benefits of yoga these days, and there are so many Yoga styles to choose from, that it is advisable to research a particular Yoga style which suits your needs. Some Yoga classes are gentle, restorative, athletic, cerebral, spiritual, meditative, or hot. Therefore, research the style of Yoga which attracts you most. Then visit a local Yoga studio, or wellness center, for further information. If you have any concerns, you could set up an appointment with a Yoga teacher, and share your thoughts about your specific needs. Do research online to see what kinds of reviews the studio and teachers have received.
Benefits of Yoga. Rock a Pose – Change Your Life
There are many benefits of yoga you can expect from regularly attending classes, but the five of the most common benefits of Yoga are listed below. Choose a Yoga teacher who fits your needs and do not be pressured into taking a Yoga class that does not suit your lifestyle. Many vigorous, power, hot yoga classes can be very physically challenging so be prepared to work hard in your first class.
Reduce Stress through the practice of Yoga. This is a universal benefit of all styles of Yoga. If you have stress, when you walk into a Yoga class, you will have much less when you leave. You might feel sore or invigorated after your first class.Some Yoga schools use a variety of methods to purge stress from the body, but the most common are Pranayama (breath techniques), Asana (posture), Mantra (sound), Meditation, and Relaxation Techniques. After a few classes, you will know what works and what does not.
Positive Thinking is a by product of most yoga classes, with the rare exception of a dogmatic Yoga teacher. If you discover you are in the midst of a “drill sergeant,” disguised as a Yoga teacher, you have to make a decision based on your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
Do you want to be challenged or do you want to feel supported during your class? Consider this: If you feel negative after listening to your Yoga teacher, you should not return to that class. You may find another Yoga teacher in the same facility or at another Yoga center. One of my first yoga classes was at a hot yoga studio and then teacher was yelling at me the whole time not to lock my knees…… bad memory.
Sleeping Better is a result of the first two, above-mentioned, Yoga benefits. For the most part, the physical styles of Yoga release muscle tension through Asana (movement) and Pranayama (controlled breath work). The less physical styles may focus on Mantra, Meditation, and Relaxation Techniques and often delve more into yogic philosophy.
Relief from Back Pain is a by product of the physical styles, but choose carefully. The more gentle Hatha Yoga sub-styles such as Restorative, Gentle, and Therapeutic Yoga, cater to students with a variety of ailments, including back pain. Styles such as Ashtanga are usually not a great choice for a yoga newbie since the adjustments can be quite aggressive.
Increased Muscle Tone is also a result of the physical styles of Yoga. If you are searching for a Hatha Yoga teacher, studio, or style, choose one that caters to your physical condition. Do not jump into a physically vigorous Yoga class, unless you are physically active. Most injuries, in the physical forms of Yoga occur, when students push themselves too far or the teacher does an inappropriate aggressive adjustment.
Yoga has helped many to have a more objective point of view on situations and people. Instead of judging people, you come to realize that most people are doing their best for their level of consciousness and you develop greater compassion for others. Yoga has assisted in stemming the feelings of pain, fatigue, doubt, confusion, self-delusion and despair that we all feel. Yoga helps to make your mind steady and clear so decisions are made from a place of clarity and strength.
Yoga is a tool which allows us to experience our selves more fully and more richly. We are at a critical juncture in the evolution of our minds. The earth-wide environmental movement and internet are examples of the world coming together to form a global community.
Lastly, have fun trying different yoga classes, until you find the right one for you, and never force yourself into a Yoga posture. Your best Yoga teachers are your body and mind. Listen to them, avoid pain, be safe, and you will be enjoying the benefits of yoga for years to come.
by Michael | Jan 13, 2015 | Beginner Yoga
Yoga Mat Reviews
Part 1 of 3
Buying a yoga mat is a very personal thing since not many materials will come into direct contact with almost every part of our physical body with our sweat and maybe tears during a very internally focused practice and one that can be quite physically demanding as well. This may sound strange but I’ve never bought a yoga mat, I always seem to have friends that were giving theirs away or people that gave them to me as gifts or students that left them behind and didn’t return my calls to pick up their mat.

So I now have about 7 yoga mats of all textures, thicknesses, colors and materials. I even have mats with body paint on them from a yoga class where we painted ourselves in neon colors made the room dark and practiced with a black light.
You get very attached to your yoga mat. I had a thin blue one for years that got a lot of use and abuse. It wasn’t so easy to clean and it kept getting dirtier and smudgier (is that a word?).
I just couldn’t bear to throw it away or use any of my other mats. One day I was in a well lit class and we were having a lecture and just looked at my dirty mat in comparison to everyone else who had a shiny clean one and felt embarassed. It was hard but I threw that smudgy mat away in the dumpster immediately after.
I used to take my thin blue one when I am traveling or on public transport but when I am driving to a studio near here I like my eco-friendly, textured green one. Oh, and surprise, I don’t have a purple yoga mat although that seems to be the most common yoga mat color.
If you are brand new to yoga I don’t recommend buying a mat immediately. Try out the extra mats at the studio first to see which ones suit your needs. You usually can’t return a yoga mat. This sounds peculiar but if you are borrowing a mat at a studio, they are not always cleaned so well so take a whiff before you start your practice. Some studios just don’t get in the habit of cleaning mats so ask about this before you pick one out if you are suspicious. If you see yoga mats drying in the studio because they were recently cleaned that is a good sign that the studio has some hygenic mats.
I think you know you are a yogi when you have your own mat. You know you are a serious yoga practitioner when you have 2-3 mats. You’re a yoga business owner when you have 5 plus mats.
What are your thoughts of your yoga mat?
by Jasmine | Oct 27, 2014 | Beginner Yoga, Reviews, Weight loss, Yoga For Weight Loss
Losing your muffin top without ommmming. A few years ago one of my co-workers said she can’t stand going to yoga class because she hates chanting om.
She loved the poses but just hated that aspect of the class. It made her feel uncomfortable. It made me think about why some people don’t feel yoga is right for them even if they know there are so many benefits to yoga.
I turned to yoga over 15 years ago and it has been part of my lifestyle and life journey ever since. I order and review all kinds of yoga products, DVDs, books, clothes (about 50% of what I wear is yoga apparel even if I am not doing yoga that day) mats, blocks, eye pillow, CDs, music, essential oils, gluten-free products, yoga-lifestyle cookbooks, cards ( I could open a small gift shop of all my yoga related products) as well as attending various yoga classes, workshops, retreats, kirtans etc.
I recently came across Shapeshifters Yoga Program which is described as helping you feel younger, stress-free, flexible and even SLIMMER. I wanted to see if it would be a good fit for the om-hating crowd that wanted a scientific based program that would help them lose flabby butts and guts and also maintain that toned sculpted look. With all the images of yogis contorting themselves into Russian Circus kind of poses, yoga can be scary. I was also looking for a program that would demystify some of the more exotic aspects of yoga. Starting yoga does not mean you start wearing a loin-cloth or wear a turban. In my classes, I just find folks that want to soothe their nerves along with toning and trimming.
Are you yoga-curious or thought about losing weight through yoga but feel weirded out but some of the more exotic aspects of the practice? Are you looking for a scientific based exercise practice that has the power to transform and sculpt your body if you are ready to commit to it?
There is a focus on overall flexibility, core-conditioning, body awareness and muscle-conditioning before you move on to master the more advanced part of the practice. There are some basic traditional stretches and yoga poses that all body types and sizes can do.
There is no oooming, no talk of your crown-chakras so you won’t feel like you have to wear a turban and a loincloth to do this program. It’s all scientific based, practical and utilitarian in how they explain the benefits with no woo-woo.
There is no extra equipment like a weight machine. The most extra equipment you need is a yoga mat.
You can do the practice almost anywhere any anytime.
I’ve done yoga poses in all kinds of weird places from the airport lounge area, toilets, waiting for a subway in NYC, in the car, on the beach, at the park, watching TV on the couch and even on the airplane – both in my seat and in the back of the plane where the flight attendants gather.
I used to live in a tiny match-box size apartment in NYC and the only space to practice in was in front of the front door.
When I stay in hotel with small rooms, I move all the furniture around so I have enough space to practice in.
The workouts are very compact – You can do most of the sequences in about 20-30 minutes. Being consistent and doing a little bit everyday is more important than doing 1-2 practices that are 90 minutes long every week.
It’s a comprehensive fitness program – There is a cardio component, a strengthening component, a stretching component and a recovery component. The methods are based on ancient wellness and fitness principles so they have been thoroughly tested, practiced and vetted.
There is an explanation of the benefits of the poses in the down-loadable Yoga Manual so you know why you are doing knee-bending and cranking (to prepare your body for the weight bearing movements.)
It’s a step-by-step plan that is also customizable. Shapeshifters is very structured but there are also some modifications based on your body type and athletic ability.
Ideal for Couch Potatoes or Seasoned Athletes. If you don’t know squat about diet, wellness, fitness or strength-training then this is a suitable program. If you do have some prior experience and knowledge with these, then it will build upon and complement your prior training and experience.
Very Professionally Presented – You’ll feel like you are at a Yoga Journal Video shoot with the quality of the video and the voice. I’ve listened to other videos before and some of them sound all muffled and the lightening and angles make it harder to follow the sequence.
Wallet-Friendly – You could get a personal yoga session for more than the cost of this video and wouldn’t get nearly the amount of tips, instruction, alignment cues that this has. It’s a lot of yoga for the buck.
I think the strongest part of the Shapeshifters programs is the kind of feedback, support and community that you get with their online forum. One user wrote that she couldn’t do a certain type of pose because of knee pain and the teacher wrote back and gave her some modifications. The teacher even checked back in a week later to see how the modifications was working for her.
Feeling supported and part of a community is a critical part of any weight loss program. As much as possible with an online program there is a strong sense of support so you don’t feel abandoned after you bought the product. When people post comments or questions, it looks like they get a response within an hour or two.
The Yoga Instructor, Kristine Fondran, has a background in exercise physiology, which is not required of most yoga teachers but really should be to prevent injuries. In 2008, as a part of her Master Degree in Exercise Science at Cleveland State University she conducted a research study on the benefits of a 10 minute, twice daily, Sun Salutation practice. So you know you are in expert training hands with her educational background.
There are videos for those of us that need to see how to get in the pose and there is also a written manual with descriptions and modifications for each pose.
What I didn’t like about Shape-Shifters…

Some of the materials is recycled- If you have bought any of Adam Murdock or Ryan Steer’s previous materials, then you might not feel like you are getting a completely new fitness program. If you are just being introduced to them for the first time, then this won’t bother you.
It’s not all entirely new practices and poses. I thought maybe I would come across completely original poses and yoga practices. If you are a seasoned yogi, like me, you might want something completely unseen. If you are not as familiar with yoga and yoga lifestyle concepts, then this information will be fresh.
There is no mention of diet, food in the online program. In their blog, there is lots of tips about what to eat, when to eat and there are also a lot of what I assume to be ads for weight loss products such as protein powders. In the blog there is a lot of commentary on the psychological , social and emotional rewards of food. If you buy this program, make sure to read their newsletter and blog for tips and advice about food and diet, otherwise you will miss a crucial component of this program.
She calls some of the poses in English unfamiliar names, such as Equestrian pose ( for Lounge). If you haven’t done much yoga before, this won’t bother you, but if you have it will be confusing. Also Half-Moon pose, a pose I often teach and have been taught is a completely different pose.
Are you wondering if this is a program that can really help you to transform your body and way of being?
If you are looking for a quick-fix, then yoga is not for you.
If you are looking for magical, instantaneous results then yoga is not for you.
If you enjoy feeling sluggish and edge, yoga is not for you.
If you want an easy, non-challenging workout, then yoga is not for you.
If you would rather make a permanent butt imprint in your couch and watch DWTS, Two and a Half Men, then this is not for you.
If you you are committed to your excuse that you aren’t flexible, don’t have time, don’t have the money to do any fitness program then this is not for you.
If you want to stay the same, yoga is not for you.
But it will take discipline,
It will take commitment on your part.
It won’t be a light endeavor.
It is not about going to a class once and never again. You will find all kinds of excuses and limitations that get in the way of you going to class.
You will have to show up. You will have to be on your mat. Even if you body is on the mat but your head is somewhere else, you will have to re-committ to being present.
You won’t always enjoy it.
You will resist.
You will complain.
You will have all kinds of reasons that you can’t or shouldn’t go.
Sometimes, you just won’t want to go.
Just examine your resistance.
What are you committed to?
Are you committed to having your life being the same or are you committed to it substantially transforming?
Why are you committed to transforming?
What is so comfortable about the way life is now that you don’t want to change.
For more info on Shapeshifters, click here.
by Jasmine | Dec 3, 2013 | Beginner Yoga
Guest Post
Yoga means something different for everyone: for some people, it is an opportunity to unwind, relax, and find balance; for others, it is a means of healing through strength, flexibility, and focus. For many, it simply means putting on yoga pants with the intent of doing yoga.
If you are new to yoga, it is natural to feel a little silly, even intimidated—the positions don’t feel natural at first, and experienced yogis make difficult and complex poses look as easy as 1-2-3. And while these experts have spent years of disciplined exercise shaping their bodies and minds, even they at one time were beginners. Yoga is a wonderful opportunity to bring a stressful life into balance; just remember a few important tips.
1. Wear Comfortable Clothes
So, yes, they are called yoga pants for a reason; however, almost any clothing without the word “yoga” in front of it will also be appropriate. When selecting your new yoga wardrobe, look for the following qualities in the fabric:
Lightweight: Yoga is just as much a physical challenge as it is a mental and spiritual one. Consequently, you will likely sweat from physical exertion. Make sure your clothing is lightweight and breathable to help you stay dry and comfortable.
Flexible: While many of us may not be terribly flexible, our yoga clothing should be. This will allow you to literally stretch your physical limits as you bring your body and spirit into harmony. Avoid practicing yoga in jeans or other material that restricts movement.
Form-Fitting: It can be easy to feel self-conscious while practicing yoga, especially if you’re a beginner. However, clothing that is too loose or requires persistent tugging and adjusting can distract you from your goal.
2. Give Yourself Enough Time
Adopting a new lifestyle or hobby will require you to adjust your current routine, and the process of becoming a yoga expert is no different. Just remember not to rush your yoga session, as feeling rushed will invite feelings of stress and anxiety and will be counterproductive to your goal of balance and enlightenment. While truly mastering certain yoga techniques can be quite time consuming, other techniques take very little time
Meditation: You don’t need hours to properly meditate. In fact, useful, meaningful meditation can be completed in a matter of five to 10 minutes. Just remember to free yourself from all distraction—cell phone, computer, people, etc.—and you could even meditate at your work desk!
Stretching: Some sessions can take up to 45 minutes or more to complete; however, if you have a problem area you’d like to focus on, you can do a specialized session in less time.
3. Learn to Breath Correctly
The average person takes a breath approximately 30,000 times each day (and unconsciously at that), yet very few of us take the time to learn how to breath effectively. Proper breathing, both in yoga and throughout the day, provides an optimum level of oxygen to our bloodstream while using the least amount of energy. This in turn allows us to feel more awake and relaxed, and less stressed.
Posture: Whether you’re sitting, standing, or lying down, keep your back straight, shoulders relaxed, and your chest and abdomen open. This will allow for unobstructed airflow.
Inhalation: Inhale slowly through your nose, taking in as much air as you can. You should feel like your chest and abdomen are inflating.
Exhalation: Take a short pause before exhaling to allow your body to enjoy the new air. Then, slowly exhale through your nose until you need to take another breath.
4. Find a Focal Point
Many people have the false belief that true relaxation involves sitting motionless in front of a television, eyes mindlessly fixed on the bright lights and flashing colors. However, true relaxation requires total focus, especially in yoga. During your sessions, find a positive focal point for your mind as well as your eyes:
Concepts: Words like “peace”, “truth”, or “love” not only affect us emotionally, but they can also affect us physically by relaxing our muscles and increasing blood flow.
Sounds: Occasionally, playing relaxing music or listening to the voice of your instructor can be a great focal point.
5. Strive for Consistent Improvement
Above all else, strive for consistent improvement. Avoid comparing your progress, or perceived lack of progress, to that of others; your best may not be the same as someone else’s best. Set personal goals that are both challenging and realistic. For example, if you have trouble reaching your toes, work consistently to make that goal a reality. If maintaining a certain pose is difficult for you, look to develop your strength and balance until you perfect it. Remember, these things take time and patience, so don’t become frustrated if you’re not an instant expert.

5 Yoga Tips for Beginners
The great thing about yoga is that anyone can do it. By making the necessary preparations, you can bring your life into harmony and balance, and maybe even use those yoga pants for what they were intended.
by Jasmine | Nov 8, 2013 | Beginner Yoga, Meditation, Weight loss, Yoga DVDs, & Podcasts, Yoga Health, Yoga Teacher training

Yoga for Vampires – DVD Reviews… Ones you can practice at home, whenever…..
Here are some of my personal favorites. I have always been drawn to ones that work on developing a pretty six-pack, just so you know my bias. Also ones that are about 30 minutes long I usually like also. Here are my favorite Yoga DVD Reviews.
Mark Blanchard – Power Yoga. He is a Yogi to many celebs, including Andy Garcia among others. It is an intense work-out and many of the poses are not accessible to beginners or to those that are not very flexible or have a lot of upper body strength. If you do this on a regular basis you will get that sculpted, toned look. I think it is 90 minutes. His language is very inspiring. This is a great one for those that have a foundation of yoga and are up for a challenging practice.
Ten Zen Tummy Toners – Rodney Yee and Cameron Shayne. These are actually two 25 minute workouts, that you can combine or do separately, I actually bought this because I am a Rodney Yee fan but have ended up doing the Cameron Shayne workout more only because my knees have been hurting lately and the Rodney Yee one was making my knees ache more.
Shiva Rea – Creative Core Abs. I love the music and drumming in this and it is filmed with the dramatic backdrop of the desert. Her language is very beautiful too. It’s only 34 minutes. She does go a bit fast for beginners so this is probably better suited to at least intermediate or advanced level yogis since the poses are not always explained slowly. You do get the toned, sculpted look if you do this a few times a week on a consistent basis.
Yin Yoga – Paul Grilley. Yin Yoga is a very meditative, slow, patient practice. It’s almost like a meditation in slow motion. You’re not building up core strength in this kind of practice. Yin Yoga is great to do when you need to just take the edge off and want to have a deep inner experience. He is great at explaining anatomy and the benefits a quieter practice. He offers lots of modifications as well, which is not something most yoga DVDs offer. This is great value since you get 3 DVDs for a reasonable price. There is also an instructional part where he is just explaining the theory of Yin Yoga, which is great for Yoga Teachers. This would be a great one for beginners, inflexible or people that just feel really stiff.
Creative Yoga – Claire Diab. This is a great one for beginners and those with less flexibility. She does a great job of slowly and simply explaining the poses and offering modifications. She also has two segments on here that you can combine for a nice long juicy practice or a shorter one you can squeeze into your schedule. I used to do this one with my mom, who is not a regular yoga practitioner but finds all the yoga poses are accessible to her.
Yoga Music Reviews- Top 10 CDs I play in Class