by Jasmine | Jan 1, 2020 | Anniversary Gift Ideas, Couples Yoga, Date Night, Partner Yoga, Thai Massage
Yoga for couples is a fun adventure into intimacy, play and relaxation. The poses are simply a doorway for you both to step deeper into your connection. When you stretch with you partner, your bodies melt each other’s tension and tightness. Whether your relationship is new or old, partner yoga will reinvigorate your life and renew your connection.

Partner Yoga is a great way to learn surrender, build trust, and deepen intimacy. Partner Yoga can be practiced by anyone – no previous yoga experience is necessary.
Some poses challenge your balance, strength and flexibility, others require your total trust and surrender.
Each exercise and breathing technique uses the power of the partner dynamic to achieve more than one person could alone. From creative exercise to profound spiritual work, Partner Yoga delivers a diverse range of benefits to a wide array of people. This well rounded practice requires no special equipment and can be done in any open space (the living room, gym, or park). The classes are not official tantra workshops although people that have done a tantra workshop before will appreciate the yoga and meditation.
Couples Yoga is a medium created to build stronger communication and intimacy between human beings in a relationship. These Yoga Postures which you can learn on couples yoga DVDs and couples yoga videos videos, have breathing exercises and meditations are designed specifically to bring communication into a tangible form. We are here to help you to discover and experience the dynamics existing within your relationship.
Couples Yoga compels companions to lay aside their differences while working to achieve a common goal. The simple act of breathing together and participating in a practice grounded in acceptance, unity and love translates to more open and authentic communication between partners.
This practice re-establishes weakened bonds. On the mat partners must have complete faith in each other. Postures are dependent on showing up for one another and giving equal effort. It is developed on trust and is a great metaphor for the nut and bolt aspect of all relationships.
There’s no finished, perfect pose or situation. This is about learning new methods to connect, and cooperate, while finding new ways to support each other.
In these sessions you will learn a combination of the following practices:
- Yoga postures
- Breathing exercises
- Partner Meditations
- Massage techniques
- Affirming your partner and Being Affirmed
- The Power of Intention
by Michael | Jan 7, 2014 | Anniversary Gift Ideas, Date Night, Romantic Date Ideas
The 2014 New Year rolled in and hopefully you enjoyed all the Family time, grazing on delicious meals, decedent deserts, and fun conversations.
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As a kid, and to this day I’ve always looked forward to this festive time of year celebrating Christmas and New Years with friends and family. I remember those chocolate gift baskets with the wide variety of goodies and perfectly aligned presentations. Some of them tasted a lot better than others.
As I’ve matured, I can’t say I still love those Whitmans milk chocolates. Maybe its a sign of maturity or just changing tastes. Now I love those Godiva Chocolate Truffles and actually asked from them as a gift, receiving two Godiva Chocolate Truffles from my significant other 🙂
Have you heard those phrases…
The only constant in life is change?
Chance Favors the prepared mind?
So just like my chocolate tastes have changed what has changed for you and your significant other this last year?
Has the daily grind made everyday life with your significant other less satisfying?
Have you made any resolutions for this New Year?
Watch this video above and sign up for our series of free Love Coupons.
Yep, when you are planning your daily or weekly routine, make sure you include date night time and
start rekindling that flame by printing out one of these Love Coupons.
Our Love Coupons are a great way to spice things up & get it moving again.
by Jasmine | May 17, 2013 | Anniversary Gift Ideas, Gift Baskets
I’ll admit it…Scott and I saved the top tier of our wedding cake and had some around the time of our one-year anniversary. But we did something else on the actual day that was way better. (As for the cake, it wasn’t awful, but it definitely wasn’t as tasty as it was on our wedding night—when I took an extra spoonful of the sweet stuff after Scott fed me one!).
Unique Ways To Celebrate
To properly celebrate our big milestone, Scott and I made reservations at the restaurant that’s connected to our wedding hall. It was surreal driving on the winding road that led to the place where we exchanged vows (and proceeded to dance our butts off). In an ideal world, I would have ordered the Southern Comfort station foods that I didn’t get to eat because I just wasn’t hungry during my cocktail hour, but alas, they weren’t on the menu. I also hoped we’d get to roam the grounds and take photos in the outdoor ceremony area and the ballroom. We should have guessed that there’d be another couple getting married on that popular last Saturday night in June!
Still, I was so glad we went. Just being there brought back a lot of the wonderful-ness of our wedding day, and shouldn’t your anniversary do that? If your wedding hall doesn’t have a restaurant you can visit on your anniversary (or you can’t return to it because you live hours and hours away or it burned down or something), try one of these other ideas:

Best Anniversary Gifts – Order a Small Cake from your Wedding Bakery.
If you choose the same flavors as your wedding cake, you’ll get the same nostalgic feeling (minus the queasy feeling!) that eating a cake that fills your freezer for 12 months would give you. Live far away? See if they’ll ship it or if there’s a local bakery that offers the same flavors.
Return To The Site Of Your First Date.
On our five-year dating anniversary, Scott and I went back to the South Philly Island ice-skating rink where we ventured out in public as boyfriend and girlfriend for the first time (at the ripe old age of 15). It was Scott’s idea to take me there, and it was the best surprise (maybe not as big as Laura’s engagement surprise, but still great).
Throw A Party
With any luck, your bank account will rebound by the time your one-year anniversary rolls around and you can host a big, fancy bash. Or you can do what Scott and I have done for our last two dating anniversaries (that’s right, 15 years later and we still celebrate it!): We invite all of our best freinds to our apartment and set up a Rock Band station and a Wii station. It’s my favorite night of the year!
Watch Your Wedding Video.
You may know about this tradition already (heck, it may be the only reason you splurged on a wedding video in the first place), but it really is a great time to relive that day. If you’ve seen the video way too many times by that point, give this a try: Turn off the sound during the speeches and put words into the mouths of your best man, maid of honor, and whoever else toasted you. Invite the speakers over for a real laugh!
How would you want to celebrate your first wedding anniversary? Would you try any of my ideas? Will you eat your wedding cake despite the warnings?
For more ideas on the best anniversary gifts, click here.