by Jasmine | Apr 28, 2018 | Beginner Yoga, Stuff I like, Weight loss, Yoga DVDs, & Podcasts, Yoga Health
Beth Shaw’s YogaAbs – A YogaFit Workout.
One caveat which is both a big plus and big minus at the same time is that she has you use a special yoga ball that you keep between your legs which ensures the proper alignment and also helps to prevent injuries. You don’t have to order to the special YogaFit ball but you should buy one to do the practice. I did the practice plenty of times just using a block or with nothing but there is a noticeable difference in your body when you don’t use the ball.
Some of the benefits promised according to the website are:
– Improve body alignment
– Create a stronger midsection
– Develop a solid yoga foundation
– Enhance self-esteem and confidence

Yoga Poses for Abs and Weight Loss – More reviews on Amazon
– Improve powers of concentration and focus
I don’t think this is a comprehensive enough DVD to offer a real yoga foundation since many of the traditional poses such as side angle and warrior are not included. If you want an athletic and quick yoga workout this is a worthwhile video. This is mostly a bunch of traditional sun salutations but by using the ball it is a little more intense on your core since you are doing a lot more squeezing and engaging on your core muscles. The music is also pretty cool and funky. I think the best part of this yoga abs dvd is that it is such a compact workout. I love being able to get a tough workout in below 30 minutes. This is not much of a cool down so if you want the relaxation part in your practice you’ll have to add an extra few minutes… some yoga teachers say this is the most important part of your practice since all the physical work you are doing is integrating and coalescing. I always feel like the relaxation part is the dessert of the practice, almost like I graduated from the standing poses and deserve a few minutes of being able to just lie down and consciously rest….mmmmmmmmm
It is an extra $5 for the YogaFit ball which is worth ordering if you don’t already have one. I had a different ball but my dog ate it. (I never realized how much I would say that phrase until I got my first Puggle (Pug Beagle mix) two years ago. I thought it was just a cliche excuse but this damm dog eats just about everything…. except her own boring dry dog food of course. )
What kinds of yoga DVDs have you worked out to? What kind of results did you get?
by Jasmine | Apr 10, 2018 | Meditation, Spirituality, Yoga Health, Yoga Retreat

Meditation Topics for Couples at Retreats near NJ, PA, NY
Venus Kriyas are meditation topics for couples and are excellent as a regular spiritual practice. There are several Venus Kriyas, but they are especially effective if couples choose one meditation to practice consistently for 40, 90 or 120 days to integrate a particular aspect of the relationship (40 days to change a habit, 90 days to confirm the habit and 120 days to make the new habit part of you. These couples’ meditations are an especially beautiful practice that can elevate your relationship to a higher level.
Ideally at a retreat where there are meditation topics for couples. In the Northeast there are yoga retreats in NJ, PA, NY although most people usually want to go overseas for a yoga retreat.
Get closer to your significant other by taking time out of the day to bend and stretch together. Try these simple exercises.
When everyone is really busy and feeling stressed out, often the time with your partner is one of the first things to get bumped. Stretching with your loved one turns the tables on the rat race, allowing you both to be in the moment and renewing your connection.
Try these following stretches to reconnect with your partner. Whether you’re waiting for the coffee to brew in the morning or you set up an after-work date of stretching before must-see TV, these simple poses will provide the ideal break for you and your loved one.

Yoga Retreat near NJ in PA
Happy hug
Stand facing each other with toes touching. Hug! Relax deeply into your partner’s embrace. Breathe five long, deep breaths in unison with your partner. Let stress and tension fall away. Take turns rubbing each other’s back between the shoulder blades and spine for 30 seconds.
Tree together
Stand side by side. Lift your outside leg up and place your foot on your inside leg’s upper thigh. If your foot slips, you can hold it up with your hand. Wrap your inside arm around your partner’s waist and hold tight for balance and support. Stand tall and raise your head. Breathe in unison and relax into the pose. Take five deep breaths. Switch sides with your partner and stretch the other leg.
Upside-down smile
Stand back to back, about two feet apart and separate your legs by about three feet. Drop your upper bodies down like rag dolls with both arms hanging. Look at your partner in between your legs and smile — or make funny faces at each other. If you can, grab onto your partner’s arms or legs and pull yourself deeper into the stretch.
Tantric twist
Sit back to back, with legs crossed. Keep your lower backs as close together as possible. Twist around to your left. Place your left hand on your partner’s right knee. Place your right hand on your own left knee. Look behind you and relax your neck, pulling firmly on your partner’s knee. Take five deep breaths together. Switch directions and repeat.
“Heeling” massage
This is a great way to give a back massage without lifting a finger. Have your partner sit up with his legs straight out in front. Sit about three feet behind him, facing his back. Then, lie down and rest your feet on your partner’s back. Walk your heels up and down, and rub the sore spots in between his spine and shoulder blades. Rest your heels on top of his or her shoulders and push down. For extra leverage, raise your pelvis off the ground.
by Jasmine | Apr 6, 2018 | Guest Blog, Partner Yoga

Looking for Meditation,Yoga, Spas, in Philadelphia?
Learn meditation techniques to heal the spirit and achieve Shanti. Self-defeating core beliefs manifest themselves in a variety of ways from perpetual complaining, constant depression, feelings of worthlessness or discontent, self-serving behaviors, addictions, and more daily actions or harmful habits which make it difficult to connect with the world around us. A lot of people go to spas for meditation, yoga and to heal their spirit. Why do you go to a spa? Massage? Meditation? Yoga? Relaxation?
Meditation is the most holistic method of achieving Shanti (Sanskrit: Inner peace through divine understanding), which – incidentally – is the most effective spiritual tool for living life on life’s terms. The human brain is complex, and we begin to establish core beliefs at a very early age; and all too often, deeply engrained self defeating perceptions are being formed.
These core beliefs affect us all throughout the rest of our lives until we take steps through therapy, meditation techniques, yoga, or all of the above to better understand and decrease the amount of poison we carry in our own souls.
Meditation Techniques
OM is one of the most commonly associated resonance syllables associated with various meditation techniques. The word, itself, means nothing. The sound is used repetitiously to induce a meditative state. By focusing on inhaling and exhaling with a slow, monotone, “OM;” you are providing your own ‘hypnotic sound wave’ to help your mind listen to divine knowledge acquired through meditation to achieve Shanti.
How to Meditate
Effective meditation requires comfort and silence, unless the background noise is that of soothing music, sounds of nature, or the voice of a meditation guide. Another accessory you may wish to have accessible is a candle in case you find it difficult to focus your attention on the very present.
Find a comfortable place to sit on the floor, using either a carpeted room or some type of cushion which allows you to be seated and balanced without effort. Cross your legs in front of you where your knees are in a position which is conducive to comfortably resting your wrists on them with your palms facing upward. If you are unable to sit comfortably with your legs crossed, you may try lying down on a comfortable surface with your arms extended to your sides and your palms facing upward.
Why palms facing upward? The palms are believed to be a superhighway through which Universal Life Force Energy may flow. Positioning your palms open and upward opens you up to receive the maximum spiritual benefit of meditation.
To begin meditating, either close your eyes or focus on the candle in front of you and begin breathing long, slow, controlled breaths. If you are relying on OM to help you find your meditative state, inhale a deep breath with a count of at least 6-8 seconds, and release slowly in a monotone, resonating voice, “Ooommmmmm.” It’s important you hold on the the ‘mmm.’ Your teeth should not be touching, your lips should be barely together, and you should feel a slight tingle or vibration on your lips. Repeat this sequence until your mind is clear of all obstructions and your soul is open to listen to the Divine Voice.
If you find it difficult to focus, try staring at the candle in front of you while you inhale, hold your breath, and exhale, all for an equal amount of time. Stare at the flame until you’re able to close your eyes and capture it in the center of your mental vision. If it disappears before you’ve achieved your desired place of inner peace, open your eyes and find the candle again; and remember to stay focused on your breathing.
Guest Blog by Michael Westbrook
Resource: Hello, I’m Michael Westbrook – recovering smoker. Meditation was a vital step in my recovery from nicotine addiction, as it helped to heal my spirit and reward me with a more positive outlook on life and the world around me.
by Jasmine | Apr 2, 2018 | Couples Retreat, Couples Yoga, Yoga Retreat

Snowy AM arrival for Valentine’s Weekend retreat
We decided to teach a private couples retreat near Philadelphia for beginner yoga students at the Temenos Retreat Center in West Chester, PA. We got to the farmhouse early and it was snowing out. It was quite a scenic drive and even driving outside of the city starts to transports you since you are surrounded by rolling hills, meadows etc and can feel yourself getting away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Temenos is a Greek word that means “sacred space”. It is a bit confusing for new students to visit us at Temenos since there is a main meeting space which is very clearly indicated with signage and then there is a small farmhouse that is 1/4 mile down the road that is not that clearly indicated with any street signage. We had a few students that were confused about which space to go to so the next time we do a private couples retreat 2012 near Philadelphia for beginner yoga students I will also call in addition to emailing the directions about where to go.
We restrict the amount of couples to 4 at the most. The space is nice and cozy so we want to keep an intimate feel and not crowd everyone so only 4 couples for each one. We encourage people to get there early for coffee and tea and to settle in. It’s a bit awkward at first since no one knows each other. Then after about 20 minutes of this we all start to make our way to the practice room. We then start to do the couples yoga and couples massage practice. Some of the poses are deep and meditative, others are silly and fun, other moves are very physically challenging and require a lot of balance and concentration.
As we transition to the massage part of the practice, we do a few restorative poses that help people to let go of some of the mind chatter and so they can start to drop down into a deeper place of stillness and relaxation. During the massage part of the practice, we are emphasizing intention and not focused on technique or massage therapy skills. I keep giving signals for the receiver to let them know how they like the pressure such as the thumbs up sign to let their giver know they are really loving the massage. They can also wave their fingers down if they want less pressure and wave their fingers up if they want less pressure. I also tell the givers to watch their partner’s diaphragm. If their breathing is slow and rhythmic that means they are really relaxing and enjoying the massage. I also tell them to periodically look at their receiver’s forehead to make sure it is not wrinkled up. They also can just feel if the muscles are tightening up under their hands or fingers.
After the massage part of the class, we then have a guided relaxation and then couples are all cozy together. We then close with a short meditation to get people present to their intention for their relationship as well.
by Jasmine | Mar 5, 2018 | Couples Retreat, Couples Yoga, Date Night, Partner Yoga

Couples Yoga Moves for Beginners or Seasoned Yogis
Tantra Yoga for couples is a fun adventure into intimacy, play and relaxation. The poses are simply a doorway for you both to step deeper into your connection. When you stretch with you partner, your bodies melt each other’s tension and tightness. Whether your relationship is new or old, partner yoga will reinvigorate your life and renew your connection.
Tantra Partner Yoga is a great way to learn surrender, build trust, and deepen intimacy. Partner Yoga can be practiced by anyone – no previous yoga experience is necessary. Some poses challenge your balance, strength and flexibility, others require your total trust and surrender. Each exercise and breathing technique uses the power of the partner dynamic to achieve more than one person could alone. From creative exercise to profound spiritual work, Partner Yoga delivers a diverse range of benefits to a wide array of people. This well rounded practice requires no special equipment and can be done in any open space (the living room, gym, or park).
For couples who want to explore safe, playful ways of being tender and loving together. You will take turns placing each other in restorative poses and then massaging your partner’s hands, feet, neck and face while they simply get to relax and melt. In poses and exercises, partners rely on each other’s support to keep correct body alignment, balance, and concentration. In a deeper sense, this physical support fosters deeper feelings of nurture and acceptance. Couples are reminded to respect their own and their partner’s limitations of stretching and physical fitness and not push beyond them to the point of discomfort.
When you feel safe and supported you develop the courage to trust others and the strength to confront your fears and embrace your true self. No previous yoga experience is necessary. Beginners and the inflexible are especially welcome. Partner Yoga uses various movements and poses to focus the mind and increase strength, stamina and flexibility which are done in the spirit of nurturing and play. Since yoga is usually such an internally-focused practice, being focused on your significant other is a way to enrich not only your own spirit but your loved one’s as well.
4 ways to get the right start in partners yoga

1. Don’t assume partner yoga is only for couples.
Some partner yoga classes allow you to sign up as a solo participant and seek out a partner in the class itself. If you go this route and you’re new to partners yoga, try to pair with a student who’s about your height and weight. Mahoney notes that as you get used to the practice, learning to adapt the postures to two different body types is a rewarding challenge.
2. Don’t expect miracles.
If you begin a couples yoga class with an existing partner, talk with each other before going to the first class about what you want from this. Try not to let your expectations get overblown in terms of how the class can remedy any specific relationship challenges you’re having. Go in with an open mind and heart — not with a sense that this is going to fix something, but a willingness to learn and grow together by sharing and connecting through yoga.
3. Be ready to be giving.
As a supportive partner, your role is to listen as well as share openly, and to treat the person you’re practicing with as you’d like to be treated. Sound familiar? By exploring physical give-and-take, you and your partner can dive deeply into the principles that govern successful, supportive friendships and loving relationships.
4. Enjoy the moment.
Be present and focus on each other during your partner yoga class or practice — and try not to take anything too seriously, cautions Mahoney. “Take a deep breath and relax. Laugh together. Partner yoga is full of the hilarious and the divine.”z