Couples Yoga Poses and Meditation Benefits

Venus Kriyas are meditations for couples and are excellent as a regular spiritual practice. There are several Venus Kriyas, but they are especially effective if couples choose one meditation to practice consistently for 40, 90 or 120 days to integrate a particular aspect of the relationship (40 days to change a habit, 90 days to confirm the habit and 120 days to make the new habit part of you. These couples’ meditations are an especially beautiful practice that can elevate your relationship to a higher level.

Couples Yoga Poses and Meditation Benefits

For couples who want to explore safe, playful ways of being tender and loving together, couples yoga poses can transform your connection.  You will take turns placing each other in restorative poses and then massaging your partner’s hands, feet, neck and face while they simply get to relax and melt. In poses and exercises, partners rely on each other’s support to keep correct body alignment, balance, and concentration. In a deeper sense, this physical support fosters deeper feelings of nurture and acceptance. Couples are reminded to respect their own and their partner’s limitations of stretching and physical fitness and not push beyond them to the point of discomfort.


How does yoga transform you physically, mentally and spiritually?

  • Release chronic paintightness and that frozen feeling in your body through juicy stretching and deep breathing.
  • Each breath, coupled with movement and intention allows you to create the space for change.
  • Gain clarity to detach from outcomes during your day so that decisions and obstacles become less stressful, which keeps you off the emotional roller coaster for good.
  • Feel connected to the ether of the universe and the divine spark that resides in us all
  • Synchronize through breath, touch, intention, and movement and learn how to be sensitive to your partner’s needs with a healing, soothing practice

For free articles about yoga mailed once a month, email  info at synergybyjasmine dot com with “Request Yoga Tips” in headline.

Twitter – synergyjasmine
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Published for

Jasmine Kaloudis teaches  couples yoga poses as well as gentle beginner yoga in various Philadelphia area locations and is the author of the top mind body blogs  and websites for 2011.


  1. My Review of – Fine-Tuning Your Eating, Skin, Wallet and Mindset
  2. Yoga & Meditation Music and Song Reviews – Tunes to Downdog, Chill or Get It On To
  3. Sleeping with Your Enemy or Shooting Your Enemy? My Review of
  4. Romantic Ideas, Romance Tips and Top 9 Romance Sites for the Love-Challenge
  5. Yoga for Couples – Sexuality and Spirituality Merge in Yoga Poses and Couples Meditation
  6. Couples Yoga Poses and Couples Meditation Benefits


Yoga Couples Retreat near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Videos

Yoga Couples Retreat near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Videos

Partner Yoga is a great way to learn surrender, build trust, and deepen intimacy. Partner Yoga can be practiced by anyone – no previous yoga experience is necessary. Some poses challenge your balance, strength and flexibility, others require your total trust and surrender. Each exercise and breathing technique uses the power of the partner dynamic to achieve more than one person could alone. From creative exercise to profound spiritual work, Partner Yoga delivers a diverse range of benefits to a wide array of people. This well rounded practice requires no special equipment and can be done in any open space (the living room, gym, or park).

Dating Ideas in Philadelphia for the Recession Wallet

Dating Ideas in Philadelphia for the Recession Wallet

For couples who want to explore safe, playful ways of being tender and loving together. You will take turns placing each other in restorative poses and then massaging your partner’s hands, feet, neck and face while they simply get to relax and melt. In poses and exercises, partners rely on each other’s support to keep correct body alignment, balance, and concentration. In a deeper sense, this physical support fosters deeper feelings of nurture and acceptance. Couples are reminded to respect their own and their partner’s limitations of stretching and physical fitness and not push beyond them to the point of discomfort.

1. How is partner yoga different from traditional yoga? Traditional yoga is an internally focused experience while partner yoga is about connecting, trusting, supporting, balance in relationship and play.  Some poses challenge your balance, strength and flexibility, others require your total trust and surrender. You need to be mindful of your boundaries and limits while being sensitive to your partner’s boundaries as well.  Each exercise and breathing technique uses the power of the partner dynamic to achieve more than one person could alone. From creative exercise to profound spiritual work, Partner Yoga delivers a diverse range of benefits to a wide array of people. This well rounded practice requires no special equipment and can be done in any open space (the living room, gym, or park). Working with a partner can also help you move beyond your own self-limiting ideas of what you can and can’t do.  You experience being able to support and also be supported, trusting that someone will be there for you and letting someone trust you to be there for them,  letting go and holding on as well.  You can focus on your inner awareness and spirit and enrich your partner’s as well.

2. How does partner yoga enhance intimacy and communication? The poses are simply a doorway for you both to step deeper into your connection. When you stretch with you partner, your bodies melt each other’s tension and tightness. As a supportive partner, your role is to listen as well as share openly, and to treat the person you’re practicing with as you’d like to be treated.  By exploring physical give-and-take, you and your partner can dive deeply into the principles that govern successful, supportive friendships and loving relationships.  Be present and focus on each other during your partner yoga class or practice — and try not to take anything too seriously,  Partner yoga is full of the hilarious and the divine

3. Is there a sensual aspect to Partner Yoga? Partner Yoga is not sexual in nature but can be emotionally intimate.  It is a physical practice that can be done by couples, friends or families (mothers and daughters or sisters).  Partner Yoga is not Tantra Yoga or any form of tantric practice. Tantra is a way for lovers to become united on more than just a physical level.  Partner Yoga is not just for lovers. Partner Yoga is done fully clothed and there is no sexual touching that is involved.  Participants are encouraged to come with their own partner since this is not a forum that encourages the exchange of partners.  Partner Yoga honors and respects the commitments that couples have made to each other.  Partner Yoga is open to couples of all orientations, gay, straight, bisexual or lesbian.   If one does not have a romantic partner, one can still come with a good friend of either gender and feel comfortable and safe while engaging in the hands-on aspects of the practice.


For free articles about yoga mailed once a month, email  info at synergybyjasmine dot com with “Request Yoga Tips” in headline.

Twitter – synergyjasmine
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Published for

Jasmine Kaloudis teaches  couples retreats near Washington DC, Philadelphia, NYC, as well as gentle beginner yoga in various Philadelphia area locations and is the author of the top mind body blogs  and websites for 2011



  1. My Review of – Fine-Tuning Your Eating, Skin, Wallet and Mindset
  2. Yoga & Meditation Music and Song Reviews – Tunes to Downdog, Chill or Get It On To
  3. Sleeping with Your Enemy or Shooting Your Enemy? My Review of
  4. Partner Yoga for Beginners and Partner Yoga DVDs and Videos
    Romantic Ideas, Romance Tips and Top 9 Romance Sites for the Love-Challenge
  5. Yoga for Couples – Sexuality and Spirituality Merge in Yoga Poses and Couples Meditation
  6. Couples Yoga Poses and Couples Meditation Benefits

Spiritual Couples Yoga Retreats in Pennsylvania

Yoga for couples is a fun adventure into intimacy, play and relaxation. The poses are simply a doorway for you both to step deeper into your connection. When you stretch with you partner, your bodies melt each other’s tension and tightness. Whether your relationship is new or old, partner yoga will reinvigorate your life and renew your connection.


Couples Yoga Therapy

Couples Yoga is a medium created to build stronger communication and intimacy between human beings in a relationship. These Yoga Postures, breathing exercises and meditations are designed specifically to bring communication into a tangible form. We are here to help you to discover and experience the dynamics existing within your relationship

Couples Yoga compels companions to lay aside their differences while working to achieve a common goal. The simple act of breathing together and participating in a practice grounded in acceptance, unity and love translates to more open and authentic communication between partners.

This practice re-establishes weakened bonds. On the mat partners must have complete faith in each other. Postures are dependent on showing up for one another and giving equal effort. It is developed on trust and is a great metaphor for the nut and bolt aspect of all relationships.

There’s no finished, perfect pose or situation. This is about learning new methods to connect, and cooperate, while finding new ways to support each other.

Spiritual Couples Yoga Retreats in Pennsylvania near NYC and Philly

In these sessions you will learn a combination of the following practices:

  • Yoga postures
  • Breathing exercises
  • Partner Meditations
  • Massage techniques
  • Affirming your partner and Being Affirmed
  • The Power of Intention

If you begin a couples yoga class with an existing partner, talk with each other before going to the first class about what you want from this. Try not to let your expectations get overblown in terms of how the class can remedy any specific relationship challenges you’re having. Go in with an open mind and heart — not with a sense that this is going to fix something, but a willingness to learn and grow together by sharing and connecting through yoga.

As a supportive partner, your role is to listen as well as share openly, and to treat the person you’re practicing with as you’d like to be treated. Sound familiar? By exploring physical give-and-take, you and your partner can dive deeply into the principles that govern successful, supportive friendships and loving relationships.

Be present and focus on each other during your partner yoga class or practice — and try not to take anything too seriously, cautions Mahoney. “Take a deep breath and relax. Laugh together. Partner yoga is full of the hilarious and the divine.”

Spiritual Couples Yoga Retreats in Pennsylvania

Spiritual Couples Yoga Retreats in Pennsylvania


A partners yoga pose sequence to try

Child’s pose is a simple favorite to explore with a partner. Everyone loves the deep release that the partnered variations give the sacrum and lower back. Child’s pose can also serve as a solid base for other heart openers such as Camel pose.”


Now add the couples elements: For a simple but delightful partners yoga massage,  begin with one partner resting in child’s pose and then moving into the following sequence:

  1. The active partner stands between the resting partner’s outstretched hands, and the resting partner takes firm hold of the active partner’s ankles.
  2. The active partner leans forward and walks hands down the resting partner’s back until you come to an Upward Dog-like position with hands resting on the lower lumbar or sacral area of the back.
  3. From here, the active partner moves his or her weight forward into the hands to give the resting partner a deep low-back release.
  4. The active partner shifts weight back into his or her heels, releasing the pressure. Repeat several times. Very, very nice!



  1. My Review of – Fine-Tuning Your Eating, Skin, Wallet and Mindset
  2. Yoga & Meditation Music and Song Reviews – Tunes to Downdog, Chill or Get It On To
  3. Sleeping with Your Enemy or Shooting Your Enemy? My Review of
  4. Partner Yoga for Beginners and Partner Yoga DVDs and Videos
  5.  Romantic Ideas, Romance Tips and Top 9 Romance Sites for the Love-Challenged
  6. Couples Yoga Poses and Couples Meditation Benefits

Yoga Asanas for Weight Loss

There are a number of personal hygiene practices that can lead to an increased sense of purity, wellness and vitality as it relates to a yogic lifestyle.  Since the modern diet, which is centered around convenience, speed and mass production does not always correlate to food that is clean and full of nourishment.  Since we are grossly unprotected by our government to regulate cleanliness and nourishment for the food industry, we are left to our own devices to find food that gives us vitality and strength.
A vegetarian diet is usually more ideal since all the chemicals, hormones and anti-biotics that are in meat and dairy products can make us sick. Even in eating a vegetarian diet it is best to abstain from white flour, white pasta, white rice and white sugar as well since these products have been severely denourished in the modern production process.

The simplest advice we could give is when you read a package of in ingredients and you do not recognize the ingredients in them, then it probably means that they are synthetic chemicals that can only harm the body.  The more unrecognizable ingredients, the worse it must be for you.  As far as diet goes, eating raw is even more energizing and we endeavor to have a few meals a week this way.  I find that when I cook for myself with whole ingredients, instead of buying pre-made and prepackaged foods is when I tend to feel the most nourished.  I endeavor to purchase organic foods from local purveyors in order to respect and honor our earth as well.

Yoga Asanas for Weight Loss

Yoga Asanas for Weight Loss

Yoga Asanas for Weight Loss

The more I learn about the harmful practices and foods that the worldwide food industry practices, the more diligent I become about what I purchase in the supermarket.  I have read dozens of books about food production, diet, wellness etc.  Each book I read, I endeavor to incorporate a few key lessons into my diet.  I recently read a book where I learned the distinction between different production methods of olive oil which make a tremendous difference in how one assimilates this very popular and often used ingredient. Now, I will only buy cold-pressed or expeller pressed, first press extra virgin olive oil.  Self-reliance and a determination to discover the healthiest ways to feed oneself are critical in an age where we rely on others to grow, prepare and regulate our food.


How does yoga transform you physically, mentally and spiritually to achieve your yoga weightloss goals?  How can you choosing a yoga teacher help you get there faster with weightloss? How do you go about choosing a yoga teacher?

  • Release chronic paintightness and that frozen feeling in your body through juicy stretching and deep breathing.
  • Each breath, coupled with movement and intention allows you to create the space for change.
  • Gain clarity to detach from outcomes during your day so that decisions and obstacles become less stressful, which keeps you off the emotional roller coaster for good.
  • An uplifting & restful class that will leave you buzzing with vitality & connect you to a deep sense of inner wisdom so you can focus on what you want to manifest in your life

Philadelphia Yoga..Rock Your Asana Yoga on the Art Museum Steps

Philadelphia Yoga Class Outside …Rock Your Asana Yoga on the Art Museum Steps.  We took this outside yoga class as a benefit for Yoga Unites against Breast Cancer which they hold every year so you can rock your asana yoga on the Philly Art Museum Steps.


Five Solid Benefits You Can Experience from Yoga



  1. Reduce Stress through the practice of Yoga. This is a universal benefit of all styles of Yoga. If you have stress, when you walk into a Yoga class, you will have much less when you leave. You might feel sore or invigorated after your first class.Some Yoga schools use a variety of methods to purge stress from the body, but the most common are Pranayama (breath techniques), Asana (posture), Mantra (sound), Meditation, and Relaxation Techniques. After a few classes, you will know what works and what does not.
  2. Positive Thinking is a by product of most yoga classes, with the rare exception of a dogmatic Yoga teacher. If you discover you are in the midst of a “drill sergeant,” disguised as a Yoga teacher, you have to make a decision based on your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.  Do you want to be challenged or do you want to feel supported during your class? Consider this: If you feel negative after listening to your Yoga teacher, you should not return to that class. You may find another Yoga teacher in the same facility or at another Yoga center.
  3. Sleeping Better is a result of the first two, above-mentioned, Yoga benefits. For the most part, the physical styles of Yoga release muscle tension through Asana (movement) and Pranayama (controlled breath work). The less physical styles may focus on Mantra, Meditation, and Relaxation Techniques and often delve more into yogic philosophy.
  4. Relief from Back Pain is a by product of the physical styles, but choose carefully. The more gentle Hatha Yoga sub-styles such as Restorative, Gentle, and Therapeutic Yoga, cater to students with a variety of ailments, including back pain.  Styles such as Ashtanga are usually not a great choice for a yoga newbie since the adjustments can be quite aggressive.
  5. Increased Muscle Tone is also a result of the physical styles of Yoga. If you are searching for a Hatha Yoga teacher, studio, or style, choose one that caters to your physical condition. Do not jump into a physically vigorous Yoga class, unless you are physically active. Most injuries, in the physical forms of Yoga occur, when students push themselves too far or the teacher does an inappropriate aggressive adjustment.


How does yoga transform you physically, mentally and spiritually to achieve your yoga weightloss goals?  How can you choosing a yoga teacher help you get there faster?

  • Release chronic paintightness and that frozen feeling in your body through juicy stretching and deep breathing.
  • Each breath, coupled with movement and intention allows you to create the space for change.
  • Gain clarity to detach from outcomes during your day so that decisions and obstacles become less stressful, which keeps you off the emotional roller coaster for good.
  • An uplifting & restful class that will leave you buzzing with vitality & connect you to a deep sense of inner wisdom so you can focus on what you want to manifest in your life

Have you ever done yoga outside or in nature..what was it like…..?   Post your thoughts on our Facebook page.


For free articles about yoga mailed once a month, email  info at synergybyjasmine dot com with “Request Yoga Tips” in headline.

Twitter – synergyjasmine
Facebook –
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Published for

Jasmine Kaloudis teaches spiritual retreats in Pennsylvania, NJ  and is the author of the mind body blogs  and websites for 2011.  She also teaches  yoga weight loss classes, prenatal yoga near the Mainline, PA, gentle yoga near Broomall PA as well as gentle beginner yoga in various Philadelphia area locations.


  1. Yoga Couples Retreat near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Videos
  2. Spiritual Couples Retreats & Yoga Retreats in Pennslyvania – Tantra near NYC
  3. Belated Happy New Year! Great Date Nights on Our Vacation
  4. Yoga Tuneup for Neck, Shoulder and Knee Pain – My Review of Jill Miller’s Yoga Therapy Tune Up DVDs
  5. Your Yoga Weightloss Goals? How Choosing a Yoga Teacher Can Help
  6. Tantra Yoga in Philadelphia – Yoga for Couples – Doing It Together
  7. Gentle Yoga Classes near Broomall PA and My Favorite Yoga Store in Philadelphia
  8. Philadelphia Yoga..Rock Your Asana Yoga on the Art Museum Steps
  9. Breathing and Conceiving? Yoga and Fertility
  10. 1000 Questions for Couples Before You Say “I Do”