by Jasmine | Nov 14, 2015 | toxic beauty, vitality health
Do you personal care products have ingredients that are toxic? What about your cleaning products? Companies aren’t required to list all the ingredients in cleaning products since they are trade secrets.
Fragrance companies are the worst at this. Beauty products and fragrances have chemicals in there so they can withstand a long shelf life with extreme temperatures.
My grandmother worked at the perfume counter at Macy’s and we used to get free perfume bottles ( not samples) ALL the time. After 20 years of free perfume, I realize they were giving me headaches. I stopped wearing perfume every day and just felt better. I’ve become very sensitive to other people wearing perfume, even if it’s in their lotions. I now only wear perfume oils… made from a pure source…. smells incredible….. tends to last longer and no more daily headaches……

Many of the ingredients are put in there to preserve the product but wreak all kinds of havoc on your health. Many of these common ingredients can disrupt your endocrine system and wreak havoc on your body.
What products can you throw away and what new ones can you incorporate in that will support and not disrupt your goal of feeling full of zip and ZEE!
As much as possible, aim for fragrance-free. If you still want to wear perfume, then research natural perfume oils without harsh chemicals in them. A side benefit is that you might find you feel better, less headaches when you ditch the toxins.
For those looking to discover what’s in our beauty items or how toxic our beauty products are, check out Cosmetic Database. This website will tell you quickly whether what you’re using is safe or not. When you enter the product title (whether it be a soap, shampoo, makeup, perfume, etc) it will quickly rate on a scale of 1-10 how toxic that product is. Ten would be the worst case scenario and one, the best.
The scary part?
Most products we find in drugstores average around 7 on the toxic scale. Yep.
by Jasmine | Nov 12, 2015 | Spirituality, vitality health

Spiritual Practices and Fertility
What are your spiritual practices? Affirmations? Meditation? Going to church or Temple?
How can you use these practices to support you in your journey to motherhood?
What is one spiritual practice that you can do everyday?
I used to do affirmations in my car almost every day, saying with passion and conviction “ I am carrying a healthy baby in my body”.
In my car I could be as loud as I wanted since the windows were closed and the radio was loud so I didn’t have to worry about others hearing me.
What is an affirmation you can say that will support you and remind you of where you want to be?
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=> We’ll uncover hidden challenges that may be draining and depleting you and you will have a plan on how to cut them out.
=> You’ll leave the session empowered, re-energized and inspired to take charge of getting more vitality into your life naturally.
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by Jasmine | Nov 10, 2015 | Fertility
What are you doing to move your body? What kind of exercise?
Do you lift weights?
Do you do Zumba?
Whatever it is it should fill you with joy and energy and be a practice that is sustainable.
Don’t have “time” for exercise?
How much “time” do you spend staring at your cell phone screen or TV?
How much “time” do you spend getting cocktails or beer at the bar?
None of us have more or less time than anyone else… we just have priorities.
If you want to catch up with a friend, could you go on a walk instead of meeting for coffee?
If you want to have a date night with your sweetie, could you do a partner yoga class instead of dinner and a movie?
You could take a nature hike….. walk on the beach…. turn up the stereo in the house and dance like a lunatic….
How will you move?
Smiles, Jasmine
by Jasmine | Nov 9, 2015 | vitality health
How much or how little water do you get every day? Are most of your liquids in the form of sugary or caffeinated drinks? How much alcohol are you drinking every day?
Do you read the labels of the liquids? Are they filled with sugar and chemicals or are they filled with pure and clean ingredients? How much coffee are you drinking every day? More than 1 cup?
Do you drink lots of “Power Drinks” or things labeled “Natural Juice”. Sadly most drinks that are labeled and marketing this way are quite toxic in that all kinds of artificial sweeteners, colors, chemicals are thrown in there to make them taste sweet. You’ll see pictures of vitamins and succulent fruits and vegetables on the bottle but if you actually read the ingredient list, the amount of artificial sugar and coloring agents does nothing but deplete you.
There are no laws out there to ban companies from labeling and marketing things as “Natural” even if they are just a chemical soup-storm?
So what is a trusting consumer to do? Read labels.
If there are ingredients in the juices and drinks that sound like a chemical soup-storm then it far from “natural”. There should be no added sugar or coloring agents or artificial flavors.
Your safest bet is to make your own juices with a juicer or to only purchase it from a fresh juicing place where you can see them actually juicing fruit and vegetables. If that is not a viable option for you and you aren’t in the taste of plain water all the time, then add some fresh orange, cucumber or lemon slices to your water…. it will be like being in a pricey resort spa.
Water helps to revitalize your cells and flush out toxins so the more water the more renewal and alive you will feel. A side benefit of drinking more water is that bottled drinks are PRICEY! Your wallet will be much fatter and happier as well when you reduce the sugary drinks.
by Jasmine | Nov 3, 2015 | vitality health
Why vitality? Because having more life in your days is what we all yearn for. What does it mean to me?
I start my days pretty early… it varies but having a baby means getting up earlier than you want to. If my husband is going to work then I get his lunch and energy drink ready (so he can spend more time with our baby). The baby is usually crawling around the house and playing with toys. 
I then drink about a quart of lactation tea so I am super-hydrated to nurse. I also have a special shake with vegan protein-powder, concentrated powdered vegetables and ground chia and flax seeds as my breakfast. It doesn’t taste bad…. it’s not a hot fudge sundae but it has a neutral taste.
I drink the same thing almost every day even if I make a nice breakfast for everyone else and even if we go out for breakfast. I find that it is sort of mentally liberating to have the same thing for breakfast every day. It ends up being one less thing to think about.
Grandma comes over to watch the baby and I work on the computer a few hours on my business or with clients. When the baby wakes up from his morning nap, I go up and nurse and come back down here and work a bit more. I often will join them for lunch. Lunch is usually some kind of cooked vegetable such as broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, sweet potatoes or asparagus. We might have some bits of ground turkey or roast chicken with it. For dessert there are some pieces of fruit such as banana or papaya. The baby eats most of the things I eat which motivates me to have an even cleaner and healthier diet. This also means no added sugar or salt since that is not ideal for babies so food has become a bit blander. I find that roasting vegetables brings out their natural sweetness so I roast a lot of vegetables these days.
If the weather is decent, Grandma and baby go out for a stroll while I do a bit more work. Then Grandma leaves and it’s just me and baby the rest of the day.
Then the baby goes down for his afternoon nap and I might take a 20 minute power nap. Might seem strange that a vitality health coach would need a nap but if the baby wakes me up at 4:30 am then a 20 minute nap gives me the energy to keep going the rest of the day and evening.
After he wakes up from his afternoon nap, we then nurse, have “dinner” ( although it’s only 4 pm or so) and then we will go down for a stroll in the neighborhood. I go up and down some hills with the stroller (and the dog) so it is more of a workout for me. We get back and then play in the yard which usually means he is pushing his own stroller around. I might do a bit of yardwork while he is doing this. We then go inside and depending on things might nurse again and then play inside or just have his last meal – bottle with oatmeal cereal in it. We’ll then take a bath together and then we’ll cuddle and sing lullabies before putting him down to bed.
After I put him down to bed, I get dinner ready for when my husband comes home. Dinner for us could be roasted chicken, turkey burgers with some kind of vegetable… often salad. I love having salad as my vegetable with meals ( if not a meal in itself). There is no cooking involved and you just throw some things in a bowl. There is infinite variety with salads… they can be vegan, vegetarian or have all kinds of meats or poultry in there. My preferred dressing in Apple Cider Vinegar with Olive Oil but will change this up.
Depending on what season it is and what the weather is like, I might do a bit of gardening outside (while hubby is inside while baby is sleeping) , talk on the phone (while I do some housework) or have a client session or training session or take the dog for another walk or bake something delicious. I might read something inspiring before I wind down. Whatever you do the last hour before you go to bed tends to sink more deeply into your subconscious so I like to focus on things that are inspiring and motivating. I avoid computers and TV the last hour before I go to bed usually.
I don’t go to bed too late. Since baby wakes up early, if I go to sleep at 10 or so that is enough sleep till 5 am….. proper rest is a critical part of my total health hygiene so I resist the urge to get more done late at night.
When I go to bed, I dab a few drops of lavender oil on me or some magnesium lotion to help me stay calm and restful ( or else I have a lot of middle of the night wakings)
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